Act in event of abduction

Worrying disappearance

You have noticed the disappearance of your child and after some searching (house, garden, friends…), you still do not know where he/she is.

You must notify your nearest police station. Only these services can launch official searches. If your nearest service does not respond, call 17.

Disappearance of a minor

Any disappearance of a minor is considered worrying under the terms of Law No. 95-73 of 21 January 1995. In reality, only a small number of missing children fall into the category of worrying disappearances. Most are considered runaways, although a voluntary departure does not mean there is no danger. At present, the criteria to distinguisha runaway from a worrying disappearance are determined by the department in charge of investigations according to the elements of fragility and danger provided by the person or persons reporting the disappearance.

Depending on the circumstances of the disappearance, the child’s age and profile, the police and judicial authorities, on a case-by-case basis, decide what to do. 116000 Enfants Disparus case managers can help families highlight the relevant elements necessary for the authorities to classify a disappearance as worrying.

Disappearance of a young adult

Unlike a minor, an adult has the right to leave without giving any news, to sever ties with his/her family. Out of respect for individual freedom, he/she cannot be forced to get back in contact with people close to them.

It is therefore necessary to do your own research (check social network accounts, approach friends and work colleagues, etc.).

If you doubt his/her departure was voluntary, the first thing to do is to report it to the police (in accordance with Article 26 of the Law of 21 January 1995). You can also write to the public prosecutor of the Judicial Court of the missing adult’s place of residence. In this letter, you should describe the circumstances of the disappearance to enable classifying it as worrying so that the magistrate will initiate an investigation and launch a search. Some associations can help you in your endeavour: Directory of associations.

Warning signs

A disappearance can, for example, be considered worrying in cases where:

  • The person is under 13 years of age;
  • The missing person has a mental or physical disability or a lack of autonomy;
  • The missing person is undergoing medical treatment or is required to take medication;
  • The missing person did not take any personal belongings (identity document, telephone, clothing, etc.) with them; The missing person did not take any personal belongings (identity document, telephone, clothing, etc.) with them;
  • The missing person may be at risk of death (dark thoughts, psychiatric medical history, threats…);
  • The missing person may be in the company of third parties who could pose a threat to his/her well-being, or risk being the victim of a criminal act;
  • The person’s absence is out of keeping with his/her usual behaviour.