The symposium “Missing Children in Europe”, available in full on YouTube
The 116 000 Missing Children has made available on its YouTube channel therecording of the conference ' missing Children in Europe : for a better cooperation of countries and emergency number 116000 ' whichwas held on 30 November 2023 in Paris. A source ofvaluable information for a better understanding of theextent and nature of these disappearances and the responses that States may make to them.
Link to the video of the symposium :
Co-organized by the 116000 Missing Children and Missing Children Europe with Paris, this symposium brought together international players from all walks of life. The discussions focused on the means implemented to prevent the running away and the risks that are associated as well as companion on the long-term victims in Europe.
Find videos in the replay of the 3 round tables that have punctuated the day :
' for the Prevention of missing children in Europe : a joint effort 'with the stakeholders :
- Piji PROTOPSALTIS : Coordinator of the International Cooperation (The Smile of The Child, Greece)
- Julie BRÉMOND : Coordinator, Child Protection, project interassociatif : ECPAT France / Utopia 56 / Safe Passage / French Red Cross
- Prof Dr. Ilse DERLUYN : Professor, Centre of Social Studies on Immigration and Refugees (Ghent University, Belgium)
- Marina LYPOVETSKA : Director of theNGO Magnolia (Ukraine)
' to use the term support after the disappearance ' with the stakeholders :
- Samia HAMONIC : specialized Educator (116 000 Missing Children - France)
- Pierre-Vincent COOL : Testimony (France)
- Paul JOSEPH : Director of the listening (Missing People, United Kingdom)
- Dr. Lonneke LENFERINK : Assistant Professor (University of Twente - the netherlands)
- Coşkun ÇÖRÜZ : Director (Center IKO, the netherlands)
' to Strengthen international cooperation in the framework of the disappearances of children ' with the stakeholders :
- Laurent HUET : Advisor-Justice (Permanent Representation of France to the EU)
- Marcial BRAVO VALVERDE : Coordinator (National Center for Missing - Spain)
- Nuria VINESUA FABIÁN : Head of the Department of Families, and the Social Sector (National Center for Missing - Spain)
- Sofia MAHJOUB : Coordinator of the policy (Child Focus - Belgium)
Rediscover also the two testimonies that have helped to concretely illustrate these exchanges :
- The testimony of a parental abduction by Miina KOKOI
- The testimony of Costas YANNOPOULOS, president of the Smile of the child
The 116 000 is an emergency number available 24h/24 and 7d/7 and who comes to the aid of families whose child has disappeared. Each person involved in a disappearance can call 116 000 and receive psychological, social, legal or administrative free. The calls are received by a team of professionals trained and skilled. In France, this number is coordinated and managed by the foundation Right from Childhood.
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Missing Children Europe (MCE) brings together 32 non-governmental organizations, active in 27 countries of Europe, fighting against the disappearances of children and their sexual exploitation. It provides support and coordinates the associations in charge of the 116 000 in each country. In total, 32 countries (Europe, but also theAlbania, Serbia, Switzerland andUkraine) have hotlines for missing children, accessible by calling 116 000.
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